Famous Coffee Quote by Tim Minchin

Today’s famous coffee quote by Tim Minchin is a fabulous one.  Tim is one of Australia’s most eccentric entertainers, songwriter, singer, pianist, actor — a wealth of talent with red hair and a cheeky smile :-) As you can see, Tim loves his morning...

Famous Coffee Quote by Hugh Jackman

This famous coffee quote by Hugh Jackman is all about the sense of smell, and how certain aromas can capture a moment so perfectly: To me, the smell of fresh-made coffee is one of the greatest inventions. How does the aroma of coffee make you feel? We’d love to...

Famous Coffee Quote by Jarod Kintz

Today’s famous coffee quote by Jarod Kintz  (the author) is tongue-in-cheek: “The early morning is too strong to drink straight, so I need to mix in a little coffee to be able to hold it down.”   How do you feel about your mornings and coffee?...